Geological Survey
SAUDI LABS LTD. services extend to the private and government sectors in the field of geological surveys for different types of projects. Our geologists perform the geological survey and prepare proper geological maps for projects such as roads, dams, airports construction material quarries and mineral quarries. This work includes the sampling, preparation and testing of samples. Our geologists are equipped with the proper geophysical instruments such as resistivity meters and seismographs, which are required to perform a good job.
Hydro Geological Survey
SAUDI LABS LTD. extends its services to the field of hydrogeological and hydrological studies. This department is managed with engineers and hydrogeologist capable of preparing hydrogeological and hydrological studies, Performing pumping tests, packer test (lugeon) and field permeability tests, determination of water quality, supervision of water well drilling as well as special studies such as water table rise and its effect on structures and dewatering projects using well points and deep wells.