SAUDI LABS LTD. has a fully equipped laboratory run by competent staff capable of performing various laboratory tests for the determination of soil parameters for cohesive and cohesion less soils. Moreover, Saudi Labs Ltd. can provide staff and equipment for field testing and quality control of earthwork and concrete work during construction.
SLL owns a fully equipped and well furnished laboratory for performing tests to determine the suitability of road construction material as well as the suitability of sand, gravel, cement, and asphalt for the design of different types of concrete and asphalt mixes according to the highest standards. Our clients belong to both the private and government sectors. Moreover, we are capable of performing a wide range of laboratory, physical and chemical test on samples of water, agriculture soil, hardened and fresh concrete and asphalt. Our laboratory work extends to the field where our well-equipped technicians are capable of performing destructive and non-destructive tests on concrete and asphalt samples using the latest proper equipment.